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Email #1:

Subject: Exclusive Alert: Your item is back in stock

(the wait is over sounds like a new product announcement, which feels like a mass email)

Preview: Your tactical gear has been restocked. Act now!

Good news—our (HTML text with tag for item) was just restocked and you are first in line to purchase. Thank you for keeping an eye out for updates. Don’t delay—grab it now before it’s too late! 

[dynamic personalized content]

[button] (shop now)

Email #2: 

Subject:10% off your purchase

Subject: Your discount is waiting

Subject: Your offer is waiting

Subject: We’re sorry

Preview: Don’t miss out again!

Hey {{ first_name|default:"there" }},

We don’t want you to miss out on our (HTML text with tag for item) again, so here’s a personal discount, just for you.

 Use the coupon code {% coupon_code 'SaveMe' %} to get 10% off your order.
*This code was created just for you and will expire in 48 hours. Coupon can not be combined with other sales or coupons.


[dynamic personalized content]

Don’t take our word for it.

Reviews (HTML text; most popular products; static for all emails)

Over 3,200+ more 5-star reviews.


*48 hours should actually be better for this group of people.

Email #1:

Subject: Your pending order

Preview: View order status now

Hey {{ first_name|default:"there" }},

Thank you for your interest in our products. We've saved your cart and wanted to send a quick reminder to complete your purchase—many of our products experience unpredictable spikes in sales and go out of stock. 


Don’t miss out on the gear in your cart

[dynamic product recommendations]

We also understand body armor is an investment not only in your safety, but financially as well. That's why we've partnered with ShopPay to offer a variety of payment plans, giving you up to 12 months to pay. 


There is no impact on your credit score to apply, and your gear ships on the first payment.


If you have any questions or need any help, don't hesitate to contact our support team at or (704) 214-9951.


Email #1 (B Test): 

*Sorting out confusion email
*Rotate between these and swap out the lowest performing one

Subject: Checking in with you

Subject: Did you have any questions?

Subject: Interested in speaking with you

Subject: My concern with your order

Hi {{ first_name|default:"there" }},

I noticed you were interested in our ____ but haven’t yet placed an order. 

I wanted to personally reach out and make sure that all your questions are answered, and that there were no problems with our checkout process. 

Our products are meant to be purchased with full confidence, and I want to make sure you are able to trust in them as much as I do. Whether you have questions about the products, or simply need recommendations, I’d love to hear from you. Feel free to reply to this email, or finish your order here.

I am incredibly passionate about the products we offer, and I think you will be too.

I get a profound sense of fulfillment in witnessing our customers getting to see the difference in our products for the first time. It’s what I’ve dedicated my life to. I believe there is something special about our products, and I would love to get the chance to show you why.

Best regards,



*notes: I don’t like the “your items will disappear soon” subject line a lot of companies use. MAYBE use it when there’s an overwhelming amount of items that took a lot of work to get in the cart. But people are bugged more by the fact that an incomplete cart is always going to be taking up space in the company’s database somewhere. It feels like owing someone money. Why would we offer to clean up their tracks and cut ties/erase any obligations they have to us? On top of that, we promise even more friction for them if they decide to come back after the fact. 
*Considerations for first email:
-only feature one item
-either the one they put in their cart first or the best selling item from their cart

Email #2 (Discount): 

Subject:10% off your purchase

Subject: Your discount is waiting

Subject: Your offer is waiting

Subject: Reveal your personalized discount code

Preview: Quantities limited.

Preview: Expires in 23:59

Hey {{ first_name|default:"there" }}

We want to show you just how much of a difference our gear can make. Go ahead and use this personalized code to get 10% off this order. 

 Use the coupon code {% coupon_code 'SaveMe' %} to get 10% off your order.
*This code was created just for you and will expire in 24 hours. Coupon can not be combined with other sales or coupons.

The code will only be active for 24 hours, so don’t wait till the last minute!


Get your items before it’s too late

*If you want to test scarcity I would add: 1 or more items in your cart have been flagged for quick sellout. Click here to check availability. (link can just go to the cart)

*I think 24 hours will work better but go ahead and A/B test

Email #3 (FInal reminder 4 hours before expiration):

Subject: Last chance to receive 10% off

Subject: Offer near expiration

Subject: Offer expiring soon

Subject: Offer closing soon

Hey {{ first_name|default:"there" }}

Your discount code is about to expire! If you opened this email in time, go ahead and use this chance to get your items at 90% of the cost. 



Less than 4 hours left


*You can also a/b test this with a higher discount (10->15 or 5->10) to see if it has a significant impact.

Subject: We have been facing criticism. 

Preview: We’d like to address the criticism we have received…

Dear PBA family,

Since we started our company over a decade ago, we have inevitably faced some criticism. 

But here’s the catch: this is precisely what has made us the company we are today. 

Sometimes the only way to get better is to listen to people’s problems. 

And that’s exactly what we do. We fix problems. 

Every complaint we get is given a serious time of day. If there’s a better way to serve our customers, it happens immediately. 

That’s why you find very little issues with our products and services. 

And it pays off. We don’t get very much criticism anymore. 

Our company itself has become bulletproof. And we couldn’t have done so without a few live fire tests.

We are always improving. If you have any feedback or thoughts for us, reply to this email. 

If you’d like to tell the world how great we are, please leave a review. We can only pat ourselves on the back so much.


Premier Body Armor Team

Email #1: 

*Send this 6 months after no engagement, people who haven’t bought anything
*The first email is just to re spark interest. For people who maybe went down a research rabbit hole one day, signed up for this, and the interest wore off before they bought. Need this group back on the site researching all the cool specs. 

Subject: See what’s new

Dear {{ first_name|default:"PBA Family" }},

We wanted to keep you in the loop about what’s been going on here. It’s been an incredible few months full of new and exciting things.

As we continue to push boundaries, we’ve remained focused on the core of our mission: keeping you safe. 

Our current line-up is the pinnacle of our efforts, and our team could not be more proud to share it with you. 

Take a quick look at our site. You’ll find a vast selection of new articles and information waiting there for you. If you have any questions for us, feel free to reply to this email and we’ll get back as quickly as possible. 

Best regards,

Premier Body Armor

Email #2:

Subject: Can You Help?

Dear {{ first_name|default:"PBA family" }},

We want to find out what our subscribers are looking to get from our emails. We won’t make you fill out a long survey. Just reply to this email and let us know why you signed up for our emails.


Premier Body Armor Team

P.S. You can update your preferences here

Email #3:

Subject: Please hear this one out. 

Preview: We’ve missed you. Here’s a discount.

Dear {{ first_name|default:"PBA family" }},

We haven't heard from you in a while, and in our line of work, staying connected means staying protected. Here’s a discount code for x% off. 

If you no longer wish to receive emails, click the button below to opt out of all future communication.



Premier Body Armor

Email #4:

*Offer as much of a discount as possible, they probably won’t open it anyway. Also it doensn’t matter that we are re-using this one line because this is going to people who didn’t open the last one.

Subject: We’ll miss you. Here’s x% off.

Preview: We haven’t heard from you in a long time

Dear {{ first_name|default:"PBA Family" }},

We haven't heard from you in a while, and in our line of work, staying connected means staying protected. Use this discount to receive x% off your next order. 

Important: We don’t want to waste your time, so we’ll be taking you off our email list in 7 days. If you still want to stay with us, please click the button below to continue getting emails from us. 

Best wishes,

Premier Body Armor

Email #1:

Subject: We're Thinking of You!

Hey {{ first_name|default:"there" }},

I wanted to check in to hear about your (Product Name). What are your thoughts on the product after a few months? Are you happy with it overall?

We have a lot of gear that would work well in complementing what you already have. We’re here to enhance your protection and comfort. If you have any questions, send a quick reply and we’ll get back as soon as possible. 

Best regards,

Premier Body Armor

CTA: Discover What's New

(note: this would be better with specific item recommendations)

Email #2:

Subject: Special Offer For Previous Customers Only

Preview: Last Chance to Discover What You've Been Missing + Special Offer!

Hi {{ first_name|default:"there" }},

We wanted to offer a special discount for our previous customers. The code below is good for x% off on your next purchase with us. The offer is only valid for 72 hours. Take this time to explore how you can upgrade or complement your current setup. If you need any recommendations, don’t hesitate to email us back.



Premier Body Armor Team

Email #1 (Simply ask for a review):

Subject: The #1 reason people choose us

Dear {{ first_name|default:"PBA Family" }},

For some reason, a large amount of our customers come from reviews.

Okay, fine. It's because our reviews are great. And that doesn't just happen naturally.

So what's our secret?

We don't incentivized people to leave 5 star reviews. We gave people 5 star products. 

If we’ve done our job right, we hope you’ll consider leaving us a review. It will help us make the world a safer place. 

Click the button below to leave us a review:

[button to whatever you need the reviews on]

Email #1 (B Test):

Hey {{ first_name|default:"there" }},

Here’s an angle you may not have considered:

Our brand is focused on keeping people safe. 

We do everything in our power to make the best body armor, accessible to as many people as possible. 

We’re about saving lives, the best way we know how.

We like to think that our orders translate to more lives being saved.

So, when we noticed that our reviews have a VERY noticeable impact on orders, we knew we had to do something.

We hope you believe in our products as much as we do. If so, please consider reviewing our products so that others can too.

Best regards,

Premier Body Armor

Email #3 (C Test):

Dear {{ first_name|default:"PBA Family" }},

As a company we have always tried to focus on serving our customers. But today we’re going to ask you for something.

When we started in 2013, we quickly built a reputation for making quality safety products.

This was thanks to customers like you leaving positive reviews all across the internet 

After a while, we figured our reputation couldn’t get much better.

That’s where we were wrong—to this very day, we’ve noticed that every single review makes a positive impact. 

So—we hope you’ll consider leaving a review to help others make the right decision when it comes to body armor. 

Click the button below to leave a review for us:


Email #1 (Order confirmation):

Subject: Order confirmed

Hi (name),

We have received your order, and it is currently being processed for shipment. We will update you when it has left our facility. 

View your items below

(pictures and link to product pages)

*this one doesn’t have to be complicated at all

Email #2 (Order Shipped):

Subject: Your Order is on the Way

[Picture of Frank (owner)]

Hey {{ first_name|default:"there" }},

Thanks again for your purchase. We can’t wait for you to experience the peace of mind that you deserve. We’re looking forward to your feedback—we’ll be here to answer questions you have along the way! 

To track your order, click below


*make sure the person didn't just order merch or another small item
*It is a good practice. to write a couple product education emails for top selling products and send it in between email #2 and #3, 2 days after they are shipped.

Email #3:

Send once the person has received their order

Subject: Quick question

Preview: Important follow up regarding your order

Hey {{ first_name|default:"there" }},

Are you happy with your gear?

We need to know.

If our customers aren’t absolutely satisfied with their order, then we know something is seriously wrong. 

That’s because we don’t compromise.

When people trust us with their lives, this is everything.

In fact, taking care of our customers is the ONLY thing that matters to us. And since we read every single email that comes through, we can confidently say that we have the best customers in the world. 

So—we’d love to hear what you have to say too. Send us a reply so we can get thoughts on your order, good or bad. It makes a huge difference. 

Lastly- the best thing you can do to help our cause is to leave a review. Click the button below and you’ll go directly to where you need to in order to leave a review. 

Thank you once again for putting your trust in us.


The Premier Body Armor Team

P.S. We want to make sure we’re sending you the emails you want. Take a quick look at our email preferences page and see if everything is right. 

Email #3 (B test):

Subject: Order follow-up

Preview: Important follow up regarding your order

Hey {{ first_name|default:"there" }},

Are you happy with your gear?

We’d love to hear your thoughts. Click the button below and you’ll go directly to where you need in order to leave a review.

Thank you once again for putting your trust in us.


The Premier Body Armor Team

P.S. We want to make sure we’re sending you the emails you want. Take a quick look at our email preferences page and see if everything is right. 

Email #3 (If they have already bought once before this purchase):

Subject: Thanks for being there for us

Hi {{ first_name|default:"there" }},

Listen. You’ve gotten an email like this before. But, we really can’t stress how much we appreciate your continued support. 

Here’s the deal—your opinion matters to us more than most. We truly rely on loyal customers because they give us the most honest feedback. 

You understand the high standards we maintain. Your support and feedback helps us keep it that way. 

Please reply to us below with your thoughts or feedback (it’s greatly appreciated).

Thank you for sticking with us. We promise to be there to fulfill your safety needs, each and every time. 

Contact Form

Contact Form

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Benjamin Bryner ⧫ (828) 606-8958 ⧫ Tempe, AZ ⧫


Freelance Copywriter                                           

Dec. 2022 – Present                                                                                        
Tempe, AZ

Proficient in creating compelling copy for various mediums, including SEO blogs, websites, and email campaigns.

Able to outperform industry conversion rate benchmarks by 30-40%.

Strong ability to understand and translate complex technical information into engaging and easy-to-understand copy while ensuring accuracy and credibility of all written content.

Proficient in creating SEO-optimized copy, with multiple portfolio articles ranking on the first page of Google for competitive keywords.

Skilled in creating and executing successful email marketing campaigns with high open and click-through rates.

Utilized standard SEO tools to conduct keyword research and identify SEO challenges to create briefs for writers on staff.


ASU adworks                                    

Sep. 2022 – Present
Tempe, AZ

Director of Recruitment, (Dec. 2023 - Present)                                            

Elected executive board position tasked with generating interest and assessing semesterly applications to ASU’s student led advertising organization for 2 semesters.

Attracted a diverse pool of applicants with on-campus and email outreach resulting in an 80% increase in applications.

Provided training and mentorship for 40 new members over the course of 1 year.

Account Executive, (Aug. 2023 - Dec. 2023)                                              

Placed with Mcdonald's account to supervise the progress of jr. strategists and copywriters.

Organized team meetings and ensured communication between 8 team members.

Developed "McMe Meal" campaign concept to celebrate the orders of normal people and drive an increase in user generated content.

Copywriter, (Dec. 2022 - May. 2023)

Placed with Rebath account to write a TV ad addressing 3 audience segments using different angles.

Proposed copy that focused on the concept of trademark erosion in order to establish the brand name "Rebath" as a descriptive verb and enhance brand identity.

Prepared alternative campaign slogans and script drafts using different insights from campaign research.

Strategist, (Sep. 2022 - Dec. 2023)

Placed with Eegee’s account to develop insights to drive  brand awareness, customer engagement, and sales growth during winter months. 

Conducted market research, analyzed consumer behavior and trends, and used data-driven insights to inform marketing plans while ensuring cost-effectiveness.

Designed a promotional campaign consistent with current couponing structure to increase app users and social media engagement with 3 months of deliverables.

Marquee Theater

Guest Services Associate                                  
Mar. 2022 – May. 2022
Tempe, AZ

Concert venue adjacent to ASU campus with capacity of 1,500.

Provided basic assistance to venue and touring staff for 3-5 events per week.

Verified credentials and ensure appropriate backstage entry to the venue.

Enforced venue rules to maintain guest safety in an enjoyable and welcoming concert environment.



Arizona State University                                

December, 2024 

BS, Marketing                                                                    
Tempe, AZ

Cumulative GPA 3.39

Member: American Marketing Association, Entertainment Business Association (Member of the Month)

Attended AMA National conference in New Orleans (2023, 2024); AAF Student Career Conference in New York City (2023, 2024)


Skills: Facebook ads, interviewing, copywriting; brand marketing, market strategy, Ableton, Microsoft Office; Semrush; Screaming Frog; Google Search Console

Interests: Music, hip-hop, photography, writing, fashion, skating, Twitter, stand-up comedy, whitewater kayaking

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Maybe it's not a good idea to shut my website down without a hardware reset button. Proceed?

Just kidding. Nothing was actually shutdown. It wouldn't have been a good idea. Do it again?

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